
Here at 406 Dental, we understand that the unexpected can happen. No one can predict when things are going to go wrong. If something isn’t right and you’re in pain, you may require emergency dental treatment.

At 406 Dental, Dental emergencies are treated seriously, and emergency dental appointments are offered to existing and new patients alike.


If you find yourself in extreme discomfort and feel that you require an emergency dental appointment, contact our practice immediately on 0161 773 5133. Our friendly reception team will take down all of your details and will pass this onto one of our experienced dentists. A same day appointment will be offered when it is necessary.

A dental emergency is marked by sudden, severe pain requiring immediate attention. Emergency dental appointments aim to alleviate pain and minimize the risk of more serious medical issues arising from it.

Common dental emergencies include:

  • Severe, relentless dental pain: If you’re in severe and persistent dental pain, our emergency appointments can provide relief.
  • Dislodged tooth or teeth: Impact or injuries that dislodge one or more teeth can often be saved with prompt emergency care. If you are unfortunate enough to have knocked out one of your teeth completely, taking immediate action by cleaning the tooth and placing it back in its socket or in milk can help save this until you can be seen by a dentist.
  • Uncontrolled mouth bleeding: Uncontrollable bleeding from the mouth qualifies as a dental emergency, requiring immediate attention.
  • Infection: Serious mouth infections or abscesses are emergencies as they can be life-threatening. Prompt attention is crucial to prevent further complications. If an abscessed tooth is left untreated, infection can quickly spread to the jaw and also to other areas of the body.

A chipped or cracked tooth is generally not an emergency unless it causes severe pain or leaves sharp fragments in your mouth. Toothache without intense pain may not warrant emergency care and can be managed with a regular dental appointment. A missing filling or crown, while not an emergency, may be prioritized for treatment. If you’re uncertain about your situation, it’s still advisable to contact us for advice and reassurance.

Depending on the type of emergency you have, we will diagnose the issue and treat the source of the pain. There are times when it could be necessary to remove a pain-causing tooth. But don’t worry as your dentist will discuss this with you before it occurs!

If your tooth has been knocked out, we may be able to reinsert it with a splint on either side.

If the tooth cannot be reinserted, we can look at tooth replacement options. Again, we will advise you about the best way forward when you come for your emergency appointment.


In cases of abscesses or heavily broken/decayed teeth, we’ll assess the infected area and may treat it through root canal, tooth extraction, or incision and drainage, based on the location and severity.

If you think you may have a dental emergency and need an appointment, please call our practice immediately on 0161 773 5133. We will be able to offer you emergency dental treatment where necessary and offer you all the advice and guidance you could need to make a full recovery.

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